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Stationary Distribution


Gift of happiness

Stationery is the basic requirement for learning, without it, students are incapable of writing down the notes, drawing as well as taking tests. It is the basic need of any student learning art and crafts, without it, students’ creativity will be restricted. Thus, Stationary is a part of inseparable and essential part of students’ life.
That’s why, PLAN CARE FOUNDATION brought the idea of “Donate Stationery” in order to assure that each & every child of the backward rural areas or slum areas must have the basic study materials. There are many stationery items for which students utilize for their studies at school as well as home but not many students know their commonly used stationery items like pen, pencils, copy, books etc. well enough.

For making this program successful, we collect the basic study materials( whatever a person wants to donate) with the short message for their younger loving children of rural areas, from all the interested students, teachers of colleges, universities of urban areas and anybody else who wants to support this program can also join & donate stationery items. After getting these materials with your message, our volunteers go and distribute these stationery materials among the poor children of rural backward areas.

“A person can support this program either by giving any stationery material or a small amount of that particular material which he wants to donate.”

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